NPR Chamber partners with ALVA in an effort to support Latino Veterans in the US and Puerto Rico — The National Puerto Rican Chamber of Commerce

NPR Chamber partners with ALVA in an effort to support Latino Veterans in the US and Puerto Rico

The National Puerto Rican Chamber of Commerce has always been a strong supporter of Puerto Rican veterans, their families, and their businesses. Whether through our own Hispanic Veterans in Entrepreneurship (HVET) program in coordination with the George Washington University, our work with the Borinqueneers, or direct assistance to veterans and their families after natural disasters, we have a heart for helping those who have served. NPR Chamber National Director of Operations, Joel Berrocal had this to say:

"Today, we are proud to announce our partnership with The American Latino Veterans Association (ALVA), whose mission is to honor those who have served by providing assistance in workforce development and job placement, help growing businesses, and promoting our communities' contribution to the greater good. We cannot be prouder to partner with an organization willing and able to support our communities' veterans and advocate on their behalf and we look forward to joining its efforts."
