NPRChamber Announces New Program to Assist Members with Hurricane Disaster Relief

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October 16, 2018, San Juan, PRThe National Puerto Rican Chamber of Commerce is proud to announce a free program to assist businesses in the evaluation of newly available Employee Retention Benefit funding.

The Employee Retention Benefit has been announced for Employers in Puerto Rico affected by Hurricane Irma and Hurricane Maria. The Department of Treasury of Puerto Rico's program is designed to assist employers in recovery efforts for those who have retained employees with a benefit up to $1,920 for each qualified employee.

“Employers across the island worked hard to maintain operations and support their employees after recent disasters.  Now we want to reward these economic contributors by helping them take advantage of this benefit with the assistance of an experienced company,” said National Puerto Rican Chamber of Commerce Executive Director, Justin Vélez-Hagan. “Any business that was disrupted due to the hurricane, but was able to retain employees, is eligible. We are proud to announce that we can now offer free evaluations to our members to assist them in maximizing the benefits that may be available.”

The free evaluations being offered through Synergi Partners Puerto Rico evaluate eligibility for businesses in all affected hurricane disaster areas, which includes the entire island of Puerto Rico.  A small business with 25 employees could realize as much as $48,000 in directly deposited cash benefits, increasing as the number of employees increases.

“While nearly every business with employees is eligible, the evaluation of the benefits can be very complex,” states Vélez-Hagan.  “That’s why we’re offering a unique, free consultation to our members that will help them receive every available dollar to improve operations and grow our businesses together.” 

Hacienda has distributed more than $227M in benefits so far, a fraction of what is still available. It is estimated that over 75% of employers on the island have not yet filed, while many of those who have filed, have either under-filed or misunderstood the processes along the way.

Employers must act quickly to take advantage of this program as the fund is available on a first come first served basis.

To learn more about the free evaluation of your business visit Synergi Partners of Puerto Rico at: or call 787-520-7503.

About the National Puerto Rican Chamber of Commerce

The National Puerto Rican Chamber of Commerce (NPRChamber) is a non-profit organization created to promote entrepreneurship and economic development throughout the U.S.
